- Course Overview
- References Material/ Books
- প্রথম অধ্যায়: কোষ ও কোষের গঠন
- দ্বিতীয় অধ্যায়: কোষ বিভাজন
- চতুর্থ অধ্যায়: অণুজীব
- সপ্তম অধ্যায়: নগ্নবীজি ও আবৃতবীজি উদ্ভিদ
- অষ্টম অধ্যায়: টিস্যু টিস্যুতন্ত্র
- নবম অধ্যায়: উদ্ভিদ শারীরতত্ব
- একাদশ অধ্যায়: জীব প্রযুক্তি
- Additional Resources
- Final Quiz (Based on whole book)
- Final Model Test Exam (Based on Full Course)

Course Outline
- Understand the scope and importance of biology as a science.
- Define key biological terms and concepts.
- Describe the levels of biological organization from molecules to ecosystems.
- Describe the structure and functions of different cellular organelles.
- Understand cell division and the cell cycle.
- Explain the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
- Describe the basics of DNA structure and replication.
- Understand the mechanisms of evolutionary change.
- Classify organisms based on their evolutionary relationships.
- Understand ecosystems, food chains, and energy flow.
- Describe the importance of biodiversity and conservation.
- Understand plant growth, development, and reproduction.
- Describe plant hormones and their roles.
- Describe the structure and functions of major human body systems
- Understand homeostasis and the body's mechanisms for maintaining balance.
- Explain the basics of the nervous and endocrine systems.
- Understand the reproductive systems in humans and other organisms.
- Understand the impact of human activities on the environment.
- Describe environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change.
- Discuss strategies for sustainable living and conservation.
- Understand the applications of biotechnology in medicine, agriculture, and industry.
- Discuss ethical considerations related to genetic manipulation.
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